Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Screw meditation, hello SAD.

Why have I been so quiet?

Well here's an honest remark. It's called SAD and I have it. No no, not an STD it's along the line of what the yankie doodles refer to as Seasonal Depression. When I heard about a white Christmas, I was excited. As a kid you dream of what it would be like. Not anymore.

For crying in a snow storm, Santa has left the building it's nearly Valentines Day and white shaving cream is everywhere. Nevermind a flake or two, it's in full force and crippling. Snow and bad weather controls your day. It keeps you cooped up inside and if it's not the snow there are other treacherous bacteria and viruses to consider. Ice for one. And not the "met ys ja, met ys... ." I'm talking about a slippery thick head-on-collision.

If you haven't seen a photo of me on Facebook recently it's not because there aren't any. It's rather I wake up at 4am every morning to untag myself of any evidence. Your skin and mood goes to a donkey's ass and I give up! My new name is Powder and I shall be the night.

Funny story. Usually if the weather is a topic of conversation it's because he/she is worth nothing but a peace sign? For example...

Frikkie (or Flip you can't remember): So ja hey, this weather is quite something. AWKWARD PAUSE WHILE YOU WAIT FOR YOUR BFF TO SEND YOU A VERY *NB BBM!

You: I know. It's hectic hey. I was just thinking about the same thing. Cool man. SILENCE CONTINUES AS YOUR MIND CONCOCTS A SNEAKY ESCAPE STILL WAITING FOR YOUR BBF AND BBM.

Well that may be the case in most tropics but not in North America. This stuff is serious, nasty and leads to SAD. At least in London they have good pastries and proper freaking tea?!

Anyway where am I and how did I get here? You can now found Dory drowning in South African red wine. How did I get that right? Well I stumbled across an Asian man in a tiny bottle store and this *mushroom* stocks Excelsior, Riebeek Kasteel and Rupert and Rothschild! I say I say good fellow, me love you long looooooooooong time!

So besides for the weather, a serious case of SAD and pimples for you, your Aunty and Ouma I'm sad to be away from my friends and family. And it's all because of a visa. Strange how just because of the place you were born determines your journey and what you need to sacrifice in order to achieve.

Truth, I reckon the older we get, the more we realise now is the time to reminisce, celebrate and welcome.

It's time to chit chat about old times over tea with Granny (even though she says the same thing a 100X). It's time to look at how beautiful your best friend looks walking down the aisle (that's you Lu Lu) and of course it's about experiencing new life. Heavens as I type this, my sister is probably on her second push. Go Natti. Go!

Without further a due, here's wishing you a sunny day. I hope y 'all are on a beach, drinking cheap beer and singing tunes with the top down...


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