Friday, December 17, 2010

Ho Ho Ho and a Bucket of ...

Growing up I always imagined what it would be like to have a white Christmas. Now 26 years later, my imagination is complete. The snow covers the rooftops, friends turn into bears and shopping malls become your only life line. I'm not so sure the idea of being snowed in is what it's made out to be. Call me a cynic but a beach, cold bruskie and my mates seems a lot more appealing than chapped lips, no power and schools closed. One thing about the States, the weather and special occasions leading to Winter is dramatic.

Fall isn't called Autumn and I'll tell you why. It's called Fall because there's Sh(*)* literally falling everywhere. Oath you could have a flying pig land on your head and it wouldn't surprise me. I once went for a walk and came home sporting a habitat for a hairdo. Leaves, twigs and tiny mice. Even more scary though is Halloween. Celebrated in true fashion of pumpkins and skeletons, no one trusted this African with a knife so instead of carving my own I simply observed and here is what I saw. For the young it's cool to walk around your hood scoring some sweets but for ladies 19 to 35 it's time to wear your sexiest porniest (that words exists as of now) lingerie and score a little more than a sweetie. I went out to a club that night and had 5 ghosts, the wrong kind of Superman and a giant banana asking for my African digits. Needless to say I found neither attractive.

And then there's Thanksgiving. No doubt it's a time to eat but for a change it's not Mac Donalds. I'm talking a green bean and onion dish, Mamma's mash potatoes and some big 'ol bird whose probably been injected with hormones that would make a 5yr old hit puberty. Nevertheless I chose to spend this day working for the dollar. I cycled 45 minutes to wash 36 dishes for A Greek American Caucasian whatever family and scored 100 bucks. Can you imagine telling a South African you'd make R800.00 to wash a couple dishes... You'll agree with me when I said "Sure Bru!" No doubt I put my pride in my pocket because let's face it, being a dishwasher is not the ideal job madam.

So it's a week until Christmas, and I'm dating several men pretty seriously. My morning boyfriend Spongebob makes me giggle and sharing my Frosties has never felt fuzzier. After lunch I turn to re-runs of Mac Dreamy to check on my heart beat and at night I fancy a bit of One Tree Hill with Chad Michael Hurry On Over!

Considering we live in a cyber world these days, here's my Christmas wish to you all

To the Waka Waka Africans: Walk outside and bask in that glorious sun. Become the lounging lizard, sink your teeth into that choppie and say Lekker soos n Krismis Krekker!

To the Bustling Londoners: I bet it's gloomy, dull and wet so best you walk around with mistletoe 24/7 and entertain your long johns.

To anyone, everyone and those in between:

Experiencing cabin fever and loving you from afar...
Have a Merry Lil Christmas and a better brighter 2011!


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