Thursday, August 5, 2010

Monologues- the one's I like!

I slept in a hammock on Friday night. Sounds perfect right? It would have been if I was on a beach in Costa Rica sipping on a sultry Sex On The Beach. Except I had been locked out of my apartment, it was 15 degrees and my Friday night 'tight-ass' jeans proved to be less than comfy sleeping material.

I did try break into my place for about an hour. I stuck my arm through the mail slot and now have blue-green bruises to show for it. I don't know if this has ever happened to you but being locked out of your familiar environment can prove to be very stressful. At one stage my arm even got stuck in the slat and I cried out of desparate frustration!

Waking up with tear-filled eyes and sporting a small hangover, I finally made it indoors and slept for a solid 5 hours. After rising from this nightmare I realised the importance of a well deserved laugh. And boy, did I find it!

Marijuana-logues (click on link to watch a clip from The Bill Maher Show) was written and first performed on Broadway in 2004. This ridiculously humorous show discusses the rites and rituals of the good 'ol herb. It starts off the same way Vagina-monologues does and so by repeating the word "marijuana" three times to bring their subject into the forefront, you know these guys are going to be a good laugh. Well that and the fact they chose to perform a block away from the White House and in the Shakespeare Theatre Company's Auditorium?!

These impressive artists start off by saying how people in society worry about Marijuana just like them, except for different reasons. These guys worry about finding more Marijuana. They worry if they can't get hold of their "Marijuana guy" and especially if their "Marijuana guy's" mom doesn't know where he is?

The performers I got to see in action are all stand up comedians, television producers and have been hot on the market in NYC and LA. By the 10th minute, I'm crying I'm laughing so much. The cannabis culture is prevalent here, even sitting in Obama's back yard! According to this bunch, Thomas Edison must have been high as a kite to come up with electricity, buzzing from highness to think something so electrifying. And here's a "fun fact", without raisins Ladies and Gentlemen, the Gingerbread Man would indeed be blind.

Although my evening ended off a sober one, I went home thinking how lucky I am to be watching talented folk talking openly about something illegaly hilarious. And then it got me thinking, if I'd had some of this cannabis they're talking about maybe just maybe, my hammock adventure on Friday night would have been alot more enduring!

I dont' know, legalise it or not, it would be pretty damn funny seeing our principals, presidents and librarians toking it up. The only time I've come across it very openly in the States was during my brief stay in California. One quiet Tuesday evening I was out at a local bar and some dread-locked smelly dude lead me to a mysterious bench (he quited liked the fact I was African).
Anyway arriving at this irie bench, he told me to lean in real close and check it out properly. Little did I know, this bench I'd been sitting on for the past two weeks had a built-in-bong! With a hole in the top slat and a pipe leading to the outside edge, many a Californian hippie passing by, fill up this bench and suck in the earthly silence around them.

Did I try the bench you ask? Well they do say when in Jamaica um I mean Rome... yeah whatever... besides for that random ocassion, I'd say Obama is sleeping with one eye open on such tranquil paraphenalia and I'm observing honourably!

Peace to my 'Route' readers nothing like the BTG. For those against munchies, the giggles and extreme paranoia that's fine too, aint nobody judging!

P.S Damn I miss Nik Naks!
