Monday, May 10, 2010

"This one goes out to the one I love"

I heard something last night that made me sit up and think. A man spoke and he said, "Keep in mind, when you travel most things will end and something new will begin."

Ok that's quite an obvious statement because you're leaving people behind and entering a new chapter in your book of life. But what he was trying to get at is that people like you and me have to see situations and relationships for what they are. Alot of us including myself, hang on to the negative ones. For whatever reason we do this, it makes no sense at the end of the day because let's be blatantly truthful- at the end of the day, we all get put into a little box and our souls fly away to a place where we hopefully get given a mansion!

I recently said Good Bye to my dear Grandad. I also said the Eulogy at his funeral and sat right next to his box with my Gran infront of me trembling like a leaf. When someone dies at a ripe old age (think of the perfect avo), many people will tell you that it was their "time". Quite true, but really it's not what you want to hear. It's sad, tragic and knowing that we're here today and gone tomorrow is one hell of an acceptance speech we need to give ourselves at some point.

Yesterday it was Mothers Day and it got me thinking about 'my mommy'. My mom is not your typical mom. She doesn't bake, never has plasters or tissues in her handbag and during my school years, she used to request a cup of tea in order for me to be driven to school!

People will always say "mothers know best" and I've always giggled at that statement because my mom and I are splitting images of one another. We're irrational, usually never think of consequences and always cook too little- everyone in my family has to share their roast potato around the Christmas table! And when we go for a 3 week holiday, you can guarantee we'll forget to pack the bare essentials of a toothbrush and then find it absolutely hilarious that together we can be so identically daft! In fact, when it does come to advice, especially about boys, my mom gets me so fired up I end up plotting the ultimate and most extreme step of victory or revenge.(Usually the latter I may add!)

Together we're like Pinky and the Brain and I wouldn't swap her for the world. She's my right-hand man, always listens with an open heart and folds down my duvet like a pretty serviette. Although she's never on time, I know I can still count on her no matter what. My mom cooks a mean curry and roast chicken and if I were to choose my last meal on this Earth, I'd get my mom to serve me up her speciality- with an extra order of roast potatoes!

My mom has managed to live with my legendary but often difficult Father- aka Pappa Bear or Pop. She has nursed him through 10 serious ICU hernia operations, and several other bed-ridden injuries.

What can I say? She's a nurse, she's a friend and she's my Mother till the end.

There really is no end with my Mom. So yes that man who spoke was true, I've said Good-Bye to my Grandad and God knows I am still learning to "Just let it Go" with the heartfelt love in my soul, but never have/will I say farewell to my mum.

I hope you all picked your mom a flower, made her some tea and told her that you love her- because one day,(if you're not a mom already)it will be the best reward having someone love you no matter what, unconditionally and forever ever Amen.
