Thursday, August 12, 2010

Two sides to every pancake, place and person!

Close your eyes and picture the word Philly . (And not just the oh-so yummy cheese shown in pic)

Besides for this glorious creation that tastes better with after-work-wine and Wellingon's Sweet Thai Chilli Sauce it's also what the locals and everybody else in the USA refers to as the city of Philadelphia. Except for Bruce Springsteen that is, who sang about the 'streets of Phillllllll....a...delphia'. It actually got me thinking. Why would my man Bruce choose to sing this song?

To understand Bruce's inspired reasoning for this, all you have to do is head straight down to South Street. Bustling with skinny jean boys, blue-haired girls and tattooed unique people, I can now wondrously tap to his rhythmic blues.

Best way to decribe it would be walking into a time warp of punk-rock, infused with bolts and spiky gaydom! For most part I ,wearing shorts and a T-Shirt felt very out of place. For a while I even contemplated walking into a hairdresser and insisting on a green mo-hawk. Conservative does not play a part with three sex shops right next door to each other and with names like Condom Kingdom and Spermy Sperm, the competition is rife. I'm convinced every punk rocking dude and dudette were planning a lubed evening with straps, vibrating bits, bobs and beads only the Devil In Disguise would know where they fit!

Truth be told, if I ever had a child, there would have to be a determined age restriction to walk down South Street. Not only are there influential shops to contend with but if Junior were anything like me, the crazy euphoria would be chocolate-cake tempting. (evil grin)

On the contrary head north toward the main part of town and the transformation would hit you in the face like a cold chunk of seabass! After all citizens, this is where the Liberty Bell sleeps at night and symbolises all that America stands for- freedom of choice and more chunky seabass!

Feeling "liberated" and walking into a replica of a mid 1900's church hall I still couldn't stop thinking about those damn beads! Furiously switching my focus and trying hard to concentrate on 'The Now' I came across a glass-eyed bearded man in a suit. Wearing an even funnier shaped hat and neat bow-tie, he looked like a character from Doctor Quinn Does Dallas! Nodding dutifully and looking down like a dutiful dairy maid, this man began to explain his religion of Quakerism. He started off slowly in a very monotone voice and soon after I felt hypnotised, traumatised and intrigued!

And so the quirkiest man from 19 - footsak began ...

" 'Quakerism' (clears throat) stands for 'equality' in humankind, 'peace' for the nation and 'simplicity' in one's lifestyle."

Yes Dr Quin of Quakerism as far as I'm concerned, it also depicts women who wore aprons and bonnets All DAY LONG! Furthermore (clearing my throat) it also stands for boring men who saw expression as a weakness. Let's be serious boys and girls, if we look really closely at this era and belief all I see are barefoot women milking 'em cows and making mamma's butter ya 'all!

Indulging in the word "liberated" even further I ran up the same steps as legend Rocky Balboa. Side stepping and punching jabs, I was finally in tune with Stallone and just thankful that those beads were no longer on my mind! And when I reached the top of those famous steps, I even raised my arms in triumph like a true F.T.

The day came to an end with a famous Philly Cheese Steak. It took over an hour to reach the 'sailor hat cheesy grin' and best part was, it was over 35 degrees- more humid than the hottest Durban curry your Aunty Miriam could EVER muster.

Philly, Philadelphia, Phillaaaaaa...delphiaaaa, whichever your preference is one peculiar 'ghetto/historic/punk-rocking' place.

All this in a cookie jar supports the fact that there are always two sides to every pancake, place and person. Don't be fooled, after much thought on the word "liberation" I believe the quirky Quakerers had something (if not everything) to do with the variety of those damn South Street beads!

abbreviation for F.T? Fu*&(&^! Tourist... !