Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fly Me To The Moon!

It's been a while since I put these tap shoes on a plane. In fact the last time I did was when I came over from San Francisco. There's nothing like walking through the checkpoints in the US. You really do have to get naked and show your bits to the security officers.

Landing in Atlanta- a special little treat. Very industrial, not so pretty but friendly with a capital "F". The moment I got off, people were smiling in all directions. I thought the one lady was batting for the other team coz she stared for just that much too long. Turns out she had a baby stroller with a midget inside so I'm thinking, "No Stacey, lighten up sweetie!"

With a day driving around this diverse State, you can only imagine how happy I was being reunited with my brother from the same mother. And what do you get when you mix a couple Saffers together? A braai, way too much wine followed by blurry nights and a run in with the law. Turns out, it was this Rethman who nearly landed in the trunk for not knowing the physical address to return home. (not a happy cab driver) A couple flash lights later and I was happy to be back in the bar having escaped the law once again. Which in turn lead to a celebratory drink of freedom!

Besides for a nasty kopseer and Ghandi's flip flop in my mouth, the next day proved to be worthless. I've moaned about the Winter here but this was the first time a "Tornado Watch" made me excited. It meant I got to stay indoors, eat take-out and stare out the windows watching a Sci Fi come to life.

Resurfacing the next day meant coming a 'live' to the Mighty Ducks. Last time I watched the Ducks, I was slurping on a Slush Puppie in the back row trying to hold hands with a ginger. We talk about Rugby being aggressive, Ice Hockey is not a far cry. The players are actually allowed to fight and moer each other over the head until someone drops onto their knees. Talk about dondering the other side. I spent most the game with my jaw-dropped waiting for the hot chicks to clean the ice. Turns out every couple of minutes, these barbie-boobed dolls come out and clean the ice. I can't remember seeing that in the Mighty Ducks? Perhaps this is when the ginger and I were in mid conversation!

Now I know Cape Town is very gay, I also know San Francisco is gay. There are parts in DC that are partially gay but I had no idea Atlanta featured a huge gay population. Which brings me back to the idea, that maybe the lady with the stroller had a fake baby?!

Point being Atlanta is very diverse and I like it. There are poor parts, 'punk-rock' parts and of course the CNN Headquarters and Olympic 96 parts. I started off in the poor part (public transport), had lunch in the gay part (muy bien), shopped around in the punk-rock part and ended my journey with a Studio Tour of CNN and a stroll through the very place where Penny Heyns won two gold medals.

So Atlanta came and went. A fun-filled week-end, always a pleasure to see my brother and of course what a marvel being so so close to my next job as a CNN reporter.

Spring is here although it snowed on Saturday?! Since we last spoke I've danced a corporate at the Ritz Carlton, sang Kareoke at a dog event, become an Aunt and will hopefully be watching Johnny Clegg tonight.

With more travels packed in the bag, raise your glass as next week is my 1st year Anniversary in the USA...

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