Wednesday, July 28, 2010

There is a Man upstairs and He controls everything!

Sitting in a pretty little park, my plan on Sunday was to vegetate and listen to nifty dudes banging on a couple bongo drums- unfortunately they looked nothing like Mathew Mcconaughey! Anyway whilst dreaming about shirtless 'Mat and staring into the sky I noticed the angry clouds gathering and forming a picture nothing like the one in my fantastical head.

Mind you I was relieved with the idea of it raining as before this surprising event took place it was about 42 degrees celcius and I had just experienced that your eye-balls really do sweat! Luckily I'm not a man because I'd hate to think what their kind of balls were doing. Quickly to change the subject and your pattern of thought, I then got a text message from the National Weather Service that read the following:

"WARNING: An expected Tornado in the Montgomery County
(yes, me!) and any person outdoors (yes, me again!) should seek cover. This is a life threatening situation that may lead to cause of death."

Oh fantastic! I'm stuck in a park dreaming about my future lover and this happens? I had two options: run like Forest to the nearest coffee shop or to someone's apartment. Everyone I was with was from Spain and naturally they were rambling in Spanish- sadly my Buenos Dias, Buenos Tardes and Buenos Noches was not good enough in this critical conversation. Following their lead and saying a quick confession we reached someone's apartment drenched to our knickers featuring Dracula-mascara. It turns out "someone's" apartment, was a beautiful Spanish man with smiling eyes and for a split moment there was a connection between us and I thanked God for the tornado!

Maybe the Man upstairs had to lead me there as part of my journey or alternatively one can look at the geographical causes and believe that tornadoes deveop due to warm, moist air in advance of eastward-moving cold fronts. Either way it's a force of nature and I'll settle for that :) Like a couple of homeless drowned rats, I batted my Dracula eyes and waited ever-so-patiently for the storm to pass.

At last when it was safe to go out, we said our "Gracias and Muy Bien's" and I blushed into the quietness after a perfect storm... .

Yes I live my life like a movie and maybe our paths will never cross again but there's a little thing called Hope and if you have Faith in that mysterious Man upstairs, time will only tell.

Getting back to these incredible forces of nature, just less than a month ago there was an Earthquake in the area?! True story. It reached a magnitude of 3.6 being the heaviest and highest record since 1976. This time instead of sitting in a park dreaming about Mat, it was 5am during the week and I was dreaming about Ducky Waddles.

In fact I never felt a thing and ironically so being in a basement is the worst place to be. Maybe the Man upstairs is trying to wake me up? Who knows, rhetorical or not- I'll be waiting for my next sign. Perhaps a Tsunami will do the trick!

With regards to last weeks story, Lindsay is reportedly being sent to rehab after her jail stint. Although she was to serve 90 days behind bars, they're now reducing her sentence to this Sunday because of 'jail over-crowding.'

I wonder when she will begin to listen to the Man upstairs?

Have a great week and be on alert to underlying signs in the forces of nature!

*For topical reference, watch "The Invention of Lying"- great movie showing Ricky Jarvais as a witty and incredibly honest man!

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