Monday, April 26, 2010

"Looking at the Box"

A week goes by and the Californian sun is beginning to show it's pretty face! Much to my delight because an American Spring on the West Coast is similar to the freezing chill of a Cape-Town Winter. You know the one where your bones rattle and your teeth chatter, resulting in an aching jaw, frosting nose and blue chapped lips? (Plus the odd spot or two just so you know your African skin is despising you!)

Not looking or feeling like my usual self I chose to stay indoors this week, spending my free time "Looking at the Box". So here are two of the latest movies I've seen- I hope you have your tea and rusks ready!

The first one, "The Last Song" is aimed at girls going through the beginnings of PMS and liking boys (yuck!) Miley Cyres plays the lead and before you all think I've turned into a crazed teeny bopper, she was actually pretty good. There were moments where the "American Cheese" was unbearable and I bowed my head in shame for supporting such romantic antics but nevertheless Greg Kinnear ("As Good as it Gets" and "Little Miss Sunshine") plays the role of Miley's Dad and is fantastic. He always seems to choose these vulnerable roles where your heart pours out to him and you find yourself sitting in the back row sobbing. Try watching "Feast of Love" and get back to me on that one! Anyway overall it's sad, uplifting and reminds us all to keep the one's we love as close to our hearts as possible. (Love you Dad!) I'd say, it's an easy 6/10, pushing for a 7.

The second delectable flick of choice was "Up in the Air" with gorgeous George Clooney. Similar to "Alfie" with Jude Law, both movies take a fine look at men who choose very little,if any commitment in their lifestyles. Whether they regret it or not, it remains an often dismal choice. Although they may catch a glimpse of themselves adding something/someone into their lives, it still ends without the cliche of a happy ending. I can appreciate these movies because they are realistic and for any woman watching it, she'll know a guy whom she once loved, who lived "Up in the Air" ie: with a carrot stuck up his arse and fearing commitment like the black plague. The movie is clever, and Clooney is always lovely to watch. Once again the message should read that you appreciate who or what is in your life and make the most of sharing your time on this Earth with love and companionship. It's an 8/10, fair and square!

Ending off, I'll say I cried a good bucket or two yesterday, feeling sorry for both George and Greg, however there is no doubt that they are both now, if not together, sitting in the Bahama's sipping on a frozen Margarita! But still it is important to look deeper and relate to these characters as they're just catalysts in bringing out our own personal trials and tribulations.

I hope you enjoyed "Looking at the box" with me, next time I promise it will be a little more cheery and action-packed!


  1. Yay! Was just trying to think of a movie to watch on this freezing cold tuesday evening! You saved me from downloading Toy Story 3, thanks Stace xxxx

  2. Ah I love reading your blog!
    love and Miss you Stace!
